Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9) List 8 people who have influenced you and describe how

These are all such great questions!!!!! It has really made me think. And I am going to start with the obvious ones, obviously :)

1. My husband- he inspired me to be a better person from day one. He loves me unconditionally, and if I am having a hard day he knows how to help me. Basically... there is a reason I married him, haha!! ;)

2. My parents- they are always supporting me in all that I do, whether that be moving to Sweden and marrying the man of my dreams, or choosing a college to attend... they always support me. They have always encouraged me to go to church and teach me the right way, along with letting me make my own decisions. Even if some were dumb ;)

3. My mom's parents- My grandparents are such an amazing example to me. Their constant love for our family is incredibly comforting. If I have ever needed anything, they have always helped. I hope to be as amazing as them when Joel and I are old folk. Joel nicknames them, "The Oracles" because they are truly inspired people and are so in touch with the spirit.

4. My advanced painting professor- Carolyn Cardenas. Out of all my teachers I had in college, she was my favorite. First day of class she warned us that it would be a hard class and we might not like it, and that she was going to make us work hard. THEN she started listing all of the art supplies us poor college students would have to purchase- more than any other painting class required. I about died right there and wondered what I had gotten myself into. I then went to my mom for help, and she encouraged me to stay in the class. I learned SO MUCH, and I am so glad she talked me into it. My painting professor has multiple art galleries all over the US, and sells her paintings for millions. In one of her studios, Clint Eastwood jogged in and said, "I want that one, that one, and that one." And jogged out. So. Cool. Not only is this professor a great artist, but she knew how to push me to my limits and made me feel important. She gave me not so good criticism sometimes, but most of the time said the right thing to encourage me. She gave me specific attention when I needed it the most, and made my work feel important. I had one of my paintings up in an art gallery in 2010. When I went back and visited her a little while later she told me people STILL ask about my painting. It made me feel so loved and appreciated. I will always remember the influence she has had on my artistic career. 

5. London Taylor- This little girl has changed my life. I nannied her and her brother last year, but I feel like I specifically bonded with her. She was two at the time, and loved me right from the start. She was constantly telling me how much she loved me, and always wanted me to hold her. I felt so important to her, and she taught me that I can take care of kids and love them fully.

6. My friends. Ok, I really have the best friends ever. Growing up, I had a hard time with friends until I was in high school and made the girls soccer team. That is when I got to know Autumn and Haley!!! We hung out with other people as well, but they were my base. When Heather moved in the middle of our Junior year, I sat next to her in Chemistry class. I thought, "Who is this shy and quiet girl? I can't think of anything to say to her... We will never be friends." (Plus it didn't help that I was suuuuper jealous because all the guys wanted to date her!)Thank goodness I was wrong!!! I think Haley invited her to a party or something... and it just went from there!!! Senior year started and that is when Heather and I got to be the best o buds. I can only really remember one time where we have been mad at each other... Not bad eh??
Heather and all my friends have been there for me since day one. All of them are incredibly strong in the gospel and are either serving missions, or married in the temple. I feel incredibly blessed and proud to call them my friends!

7. Michelle Warner- Michelle is simply amazing. She is basically my older sister, and has been in my life for as long as I can remember! When I was in 4th grade, she started babysitting me and my sisters. With every boy I dated, she was my over protective sister :) Michelle served an honorable full time mission and was married in the temple to her sweetheart!! She is the greatest example of an older sister- the best I could have ever asked for :) Now that we live so far away (BOO) she has been keeping in such good contact with me, and that makes me SO HAPPY. It is hard living away from everyone, because it feels as though people forget about you. But not Michelle :)

8. My ballet teacher- Miss Elizabeth Shively. I have known her for as long as I can remember! Miss Beth/and ballet taught me so much, now that I look back on it I felt as though I was being trained to become a woman. Miss Beth taught us respect. I saw her 4-5 times a week for years!! I feel as though since ballet is (mostly) classical, being taught how to be respectful and everything else just came with it. So grateful for all my time and effort I put into ballet!

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