Tuesday, January 8, 2013

8) What are 3 passions you have?

Hmmm this is a great question!!!! (I feel like I am always saying that.. haha! Because it is true I guess!)

If you want honesty, I have had a hard time with my "passions". I don't know what it is about living away from home and being homesick, but it is physically hard to keep up my passions. There is something about being homesick and wanting to stay in bed alllll day that is so nice ;)

First of all, like I said in my last blog post... I am very passionate about children and kids. I really can't wait to start my family with Joel, but we still want to make sure the timing is right for both of us. (Eva and Sebastian (Joel's bro and sis-in-law) aren't making it any easier either!!! They have the cutest baby everrrr.)

I am also passionate about painting. I don't think I am as passionate as I want to be right now, but I definitely want to make it into a serious hobby. I love it so much, I just need to focus more on timing. (Because we don't have very good light in our apartment, and it is so dark outside... so my painting hours are kinda limited during the day ;))

I would also say I am passionate about my family. They are just so sweet, and I miss them incredibly much. I can never say that enough. I am just glad to have friends here who know and understand what I am going through!!

(Is it just me or am I giving a similar answer to every question?? haha hope they get different!)

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