Monday, January 7, 2013

7) What is your dream job, and why?

This is my new FAVORITE question. Because, thanks to my lovely husband I have figured out what my dream job is, and I am quite determined to do it.
this youtube video is about following your dreams, if money was no object? What would you like to do, to spend and enjoy your life? This video changed Joel. It changed his thinking of what he REALLY would absolutely love to do. Even though it might be hard to change and get out of his comfort zone, he has decided to go back to school and study nutrition, become a personal trainer, and eventually own his own gym. And I am incredibly proud of him for making this big decision that will make him happier in the long run!! He went to a business school for two years and earned his associates, and until now I think he felt almost empty when people asked about what he wanted to do... that is until he watched this video. Now I think about it, maybe it would help in the long run to have his business degree if he wants to own his own gym? Food for thought :)

Anyways, he had me watch this video and it got me thinking what I would just love to do. I feel like all my life I have been slightly obsessed with babies/children and couldn't wait to start my own family. I guess my dream job would be to stay at home and take care of our kids! I would also love to paint on the side... That would be my hobby to keep me busy :) And crafting... I love to crochet and paint mainly.

And that is my dream job! To love and raise our family. I know the time isn't right for us at the moment, but I am literally SO excited to start our family. I can wait, but I can't at the same time if that makes sense :)

1 notes:

The Jensen's said...

Being a mom is the best job ever! It is my dream job too and I LOVE IT! Awesome dream job!!