Thursday, January 3, 2013

3) Describe your relationship with your parents

I absolutely LOVE my parents. In high school I had a relationship with a boy, and it clashed with my parents.  After all the drama, it took quite some time for the wounds to heal and trust each other again. Man I was so dumb, haha!! Isn't it weird how your brain is kind of twisted and you can't think straight as a teenager? I giggle at all the dumb stuff teenagers do and I am sooo thankful I am not that age anymore.
My dad is hilarious. He makes me laugh SO HARD and he never fails to make me chuckle. Growing up boys that I dated were always intimidated by him, and that made me laugh. I then told them to be more scared of my mom ;) My dad is a giant teddy bear, really.
Now not that my mom isn't!!! She is simply amazing, and has always been there for me. Through everything! Homesickness... especially. And it is kinda great that we go through it together! Because she loves me so much :)
Basically, my relationship with my parents is just awesome. We have the same views and are open together! They support me in all that I do, and they spoil me like crazy ;) I have the best family in the world!!!! I could not have asked for a better one :) :)
I don't think I could have moved to Sweden without my parents help. My mom did SO MUCH. If anyone needs to know how to get a residence permit to live in Sweden, ask her. She spent countless hours researching all about the European Union and what you need to live in Sweden. Without her, I doubt I would be here right now.
I don't know how else to describe my relationship with my parents... other than I am so lucky and blessed to have them. Love you guys :)

When I received my endowments :)

My goodbye party!!

Jazz game

Dad supporting me at a track and field event :)

Family so happy to see me.. when I came home from Sweden in 2011

Aren't my parents the cutest??!

My dad is a pro at photo bombing. 

Day before I got married <3

Day before I got married <3

Love you, my wonderful parents!!! You guys taught me well :)

3 notes:

Gaylene Bateman said...

I LOVE YOU TOO, Mollie!!! Thanks for taking time to write about us. I loved it and loved the pictures too...good memories :)

gaylene said...

WE LOVE YOU TOO, Mollie!!! Thanks for taking time to write about us. We're sooooo glad that you are not a teenager anymore ;)

Anonymous said...

I believe this is how a parent - child relationship should work and feel. I am always sad when I see how many people now a days treat family like an annoyance, something not needed, like something in the way of their awesome cool lives. I obviously didn't think you would:) But you loving your family, and expressing it, makes me happy. Probably because I love my own, and the entire family thing:)