Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15) If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

Well. I took THIS test online, and this is the answer it gave me:

Which animal would best suit your personality?

You are one of the best friends that someone could ever ask for. A very loyal, compassionate person who is always there for close friends and family members who are in a tough time. You are someone who can be counted on time and time again and never let small grudges get in the way of a good friendship. But unfortunately, you are very dependent, and every now and then someone will take advantage of your loyalty, and it is most often not until you end up hurt that you realized your foolishness.

I took the same test online with complete opposite answers and it still said dog... I am not sure what to think about this website. But whatevs. I have no idea really. Animals are so cool though! Some are fast and lazy. So I would like to be a lion? Cheetah? Dog? Cats are lazy... But tigers are pretty neat. I would want to be a bunch of animals for different reasons... Cheetahs are fast, lions are powerful, elephants are huge, cats are super weird, dogs are friendly and nice, hippos are awesome.... yep. Is there a mixture of all these animals?? haha.

All in all... I have no idea what I would be. I am not sure I really answered the question.. but oh well :)

3 notes:

Mindy said...

I took that test ... I am a monkey. Bahaha.

Unknown said...

You are goofy sis.... But I still love you:)

Unknown said...

Your weird sis.... LOVE YOU:)