Monday, January 21, 2013

21) If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?

If I could have ONE superpower.... Geez there are so many to choose from!! The first one that came to my mind was being able to FLY. I have had so many dreams about it! It is simple, yet it would be amazing. I am not afraid of heights, but I am cautious when I am up so high... Like if I were to fall or something. BUT if you can fly, you wouldn't have that problem! You would support yourself :)

My thing is if I am talking with someone about superpowers, people get so stinkin creative!!!! I just want to fly. And thinking about it while writing this... makes me want to so bad!!!

I'd only want to fly with this cute fruit loop.

What would your superpower be??

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