Saturday, October 19, 2019

W05 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal

What were your key takeaways from "A Hero's Journey" video?
"A Hero's Journey" left me inspired to be a better person. The video inspired me to truly find my passion, and use that to help others and not just myself. I believe if I can learn to put the need of others and not be self-centered, my business can thrive. I want to be a good person, and inspire other to do well. Being able to answer the question, “Was I a good person?” then I feel like I will be successful in life. I like the idea of answering even more questions, “Did I contribute something meaningful? Who did I love, and who loved me?” Are such good questions to keep ourselves in check. Also, even though at the moment it seems silly but to write myself a letter of the do-not-do’s. It is almost like holding myself to a promise of things I will not do. For example, things like cheat on a spouse. I feel very silly to write a letter promising myself to never do it, and I know I never will so why write it down? It might seem silly but at the same time an interesting perspective to write a letter to myself holding myself to those promises.

·       What did you learn from this week’s readings and videos?
This week’s reading and videos inspired me to have realistic expectations about being a super successful entrepreneur. That it is ok to have big goals and dreams, but those that are super well off “rock stars” are that small 1%. Another part I learned, was how to narrow down my passions. It can be overwhelming to like so many things, but realizing what my values are and what I care about is a great start.

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