Friday, January 16, 2015

My Favorite Christmas Present

My husband Joel is awesome. He got me exactly what I wanted for Christmas! I told him a few months before what I wanted, then I kinda forgot about what I told him. I was so surprised when I opened my present.... I got a new camera lens!! I have been dying to take better pictures of our family. Here are some pictures I've taken to get in some practice :)

The hardest part of getting used to this new lens is where to put the focus, especially on a constantly moving babe! So some of the pictures are blurry because the focus isn't at the right place... but I'm still practising :)

I love this picture because it shows off her cute teeth. Why are baby teeth cute?!

I have no idea what she's doing here...

Her new "cheesy" smile.... like she knows she's funny!

scooting in action!

I love my fuzzy headed baby!

Emma learned to give us kisses in the states! Here she is giving me one ;)

1 notes:

Shantel said...

I love surprise and favorite Christmas Gifts! The pictures look wonderful. Merry Christmas!