Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Emma Elaine: 10 Months Old

My baby girl turned 9 and 10 months old in the states. I was a little occupied spending time with my family and completely forgot about this blog until recently. Which resulted in Emma not having a 9 month blog post, oops ;) Everything is getting meshed together about what she is or isn't doing lately! Especially when she looks older every time I look at her. A few days ago Joel went to the bathroom and when he came back a few minutes later he said, "Oh my! How does Emma change so fast!? I was only gone a few minutes!"

Anyways, lately she found out she can explore and scoot super fast especially on the hard wood floor. Before we came to the states she would only scoot to the vacuum a few feet away, but now she is ALL over the place into every nook and cranny. Like into my dogs water in his kettle, and random food crumbs underneath the stove. I'm hoping it'll be easier being back in our apartment where I have more control over where she goes, whereas there are a lot of people in our house at the moment ;) It took Emma a few days to figure out how to scoot on carpet, but she figured out if she turned one of her legs backwards and the other forwards, it helped push her.

Emma is loving all the attention. At home in Sweden she was so used to just Joel and I, so coming to the states overwhelmed her with all the energy and TONS of attention. Now she loves having everyone watch her all the time. ;) She thinks she is like the big girls (my new little sisters my parents just adopted back in November), and scoots after and plays with them. I have loved watching them interact and love each other. Cambria (4 years old) and Berkley (3 years old) have been Emma's little shadows! Always asking if they can hold or play with her. 

Emma has learned a few tricks as well. She knows how to give high fives, kisses, waves hello and sometimes waves bye bye. It is so weird seeing her grow up. I wish I could express in words her personality, but videos and pictures will just have to work to describe this spunky girl filled with so much character. I can't believe how much personality she already has! She is just goofy. Here is the latest face she has been pulling for us:

I just love being her mom. I love nourishing her, and being the one to comfort her. I have also learned to love nursing Emma. Usually she'll nurse for a few minutes, then looks up at me and giggles and then continues to nurse. She does that a few times every time I nurse her ;) One night at 4 am, she randomly looked up at me and clearly said, "Pappa" in the quietest whisper, and then quickly went back to nursing. My heart melted so fast right then! I almost woke up Joel it was so sweet haha. Most days she'll nurse really great! Some days she doesn't have the patience to sit there and wait for my milk to come in. I am glad she still loves it for the most part, and I do love the connection and quality time we have together... just the two of us :)

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Emma I took with my iPhone:
At the Copenhagen airport on our way to Utah

I don't know why, but this picture makes me giggle. I guess it shows our family pretty well! We are a goofy bunch.

Emma went swimming for the first time! She loved it once we took her out of her floatie that was a tad big for her.

Emma and Aunt Allison

Emma and her Aunt Annie

This was the day we had to say goodbye to Emma's great grandma and grandpa, the grandma Emma was named after.

We spent our last day in the states at the hospital, since my 15 year old sis Lindsey had knee surgery that will take at least 6 months to heal.

I adore my goofy family.

2 notes:

Shantel said...

I love all the pictures of Emma with your family. I hope you had a great trip! I'm sure they loved being with Emma and seeing how big she is.

Crystal said...

I love reading how much you love motherhood. I feel the same way. It's the best!