First week of school: SUCCESS.
I actually like school this semester! I mean, I've always liked school, it just gets tedious at times! And this semester is especially fun because I am in an advanced painting class... with ALL the art majors with an emphasis in painting! Talk about intimidating.
BUT, I actually really like it. Since I don't have an emphasis yet, I felt slightly ridiculous being in this class. The whole reason I signed up for this class, is because of the professor. She has been my favorite thus far, and pushed me to do the unthinkable. I don't even know if I need this painting class for my major, I just want to take it because I like the professor!!
In this class we are only building our portfolio. Pretty nice, huh! I'm sooooo excited to learn and how to push myself.
Well, my other classes are alright. Some are general classes (those are the tedious ones...) and my last class is Medieval Art History!! And THAT professor has a Ph.D in Medieval Art History..... I had no idea you could do that! This professor will definitely push me, which I am also excited for. She is actually kinda funny, cracking some dry-humor jokes during class. Since she has a Ph.D, I feel as though she expects a lot from us, on that same Ph.D level. Yeah.... we have a ten page paper due already :/
All in all, it has been a grrrreat week! Now I need to find a job, and start working out. I am just so excited for so many things! I would like to go back to Golden Corral and be a server if possible. I LOVED serving the people there for some reason. I had the hardest time leaving there, to go on a 3 month long (a glorious 3 months!!!!!) vacation. I loved chattin with the old folk, and talking to them about their lives. I guess you could say I love old people, and I get along with them pretty well!
Oh how I miss Sweden :(
Welp, that concludes this blog post. I hope everyone has a fabulous week!!
European Spring Travel Capsule
10 months ago
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