Monday, March 3, 2014

Bumpdate: Week 41

Yep. Still pregnant. I don't mind too much, other than the fact that I am in this dern waiting game. This week has been LONG. Just waiting and waiting, expecting something to happen!!! I hardly have any contractions, and I feel like am just as close to being in labor right now as I was 2 weeks ago (hopefully my body has been working since then!). I have heard labor is one of the most unpredictable things! Which brings us back to waiting (and waiting. and maybe some more waiting..) for something to start happening.

Joel and I were able to take some pictures... a last minute mini maternity session I suppose. Pinterest inspired of course! They are all pretty much the same picture, but I like them all for different reasons. Different lighting and angles... that sort of thing. I had the hardest time deciding which one I liked most! I told Joel, "Hey. Let's try to take that picture I found on pinterest the other day ok??" So we grabbed our camera and just started shooting away. I think they turned out pretty good... considering we don't really know what we are doing ;)

1 notes:

Megan and Jared said...

I love the first one!!!