Tuesday, December 10, 2013


All this time I thought heart burn had to do with my chest actually burning. Like, on fire. Little did I know that I have had heart burn for MONTHS and didn't know. And, I also didn't know that heart burn doesn't deal with my heart actually burning. Nope. I wouldn't say I feel dumb... but kinda close. 
My love language (or one of the five main ways I feel most loved) is physical touch. Cuddling with Joel makes me so incredibly happy. Or when he kisses me on the cheek. You get the point :) When it came to watching movies and I wanted to cuddle, I couldn't because my chest was feeling weird and I felt like I had to sit up. Which really annoyed me because I wanted to cuddle dang it!! I told my mom how I was feeling, and she said, "Oh your baby is just growing and taking up more space. Good luck!" So that's what I thought it was, not actual heart burn!
Other than that, pregnancy is still good. I can't believe how more tired I am becoming. I guess I am making a little human! It's got to take some energy right??

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