Friday, October 25, 2013


they announced this in church a little bit ago, and we had quite the reaction when people thought we were moving back to the states... unfortunately we aren't.. yet ;) just to a city 30 minutes south of where we live now to be closer to joel's family. i  thought, why not live close to the only family i have here?? plus my sister-in-law is having a baby a month before us and we will live 5 minutes away from them! THAT i am excited about :)

anyways i wanted to take pictures of our apartment before we moved... and i managed to hurry and clean RIGHT before joel brought all of the packing boxes! i took pictures of our apartment a few months after we moved here last december and made THIS post (so you can see how we had the apartment when we moved in, and now right before we move!), and we have made quite a few adjustments in the apartment since then! i tried really hard take pictures of everything, so sorry if there are a lot of pictures ;) kinda fun to see how it has evolved as we got more furnishings for our apartment throughout the year!

let us start off with a picture of Cheeto, shall we?? :)

we created a walk-in closet that was supposed to be a storage space (since we didn't have one in the basement)

notice joel gets two closets and my clothes are shoved into one ;)

i didn't want to post this... because after i took all these pictures i realized i took pictures of the unfinished paintings. oops! hopefully the lady these paintings are for doesn't see this! ;)

cheeto being the creeper she is!

i think Cheeto sleeps here every night... i'm not really sure haha!

and that's our apartment! the clean version i want to remember haha! ;)

1 notes:

Shantel said...

Some of my favorite posts to look back on are of each of our different apartments the way that I wanted to remember them. I'm glad that you did this.

Congrats on the move!