Sunday, June 2, 2013

3.5 Weeks Until??...

WE COME TO THE UNITED STATES!!!!!! For 6 whole weeks. You can say I am beyond excited. My cute lil sis is getting married July 27th, so we will be there a whole month before the wedding! SO STOKED. I thank her everyday for getting married this summer, so I have a (legit) reason to come home!! We leave Sweden June 27th... Right after all the holidays here! Perfect timing that we didn't even think about haha. I have slowly been compiling a list of things we need to bring over, and things we need to buy! Thank goodness for google drive :) I would say my #1 thing that I would just love to buy is a niiiice camera. Sure, we take pictures with our phones.. but I want to really document our lives. One of my favorite bloggers (who is a professional photographer, but still) really inspired me. She is CONSTANTLY putting up pictures of her kids, and I just love it. Sure, it might seem over the top to some (and me sometimes haha) but I love how she captures moments. So. That is my new goal- learning about all that fun stuff :) Even when I sit on the bus I am thinking and looking how I could take different pictures! Possible new obsession?
Yesterday was my year mark of living in Sweden! Crazy, eh?? For your enjoyment, here are some pictures of us meeting at the airport, and me meeting my in-laws for the first time... two weeks before we got married ;)

We were SO NERVOUS to meet again!! We hadn't seen each other since January, and this picture was taken June 1st!! 6 whole months of being engaged and not being able to hold each other when the other was having a hard day.. the worst and hardest thing about long distance for sure.

Meeting my sweet mother-in-"love" for the first time! Yes we had "met" over skype, but this was the first face to face meeting :)

After leaving the airport, we really wanted to be together. Thus resulting in Joel taking me on a walk, and I guess showing me some horses?..

He thinks he is funny..

5 notes:

Kiana Probst said...


Shantel said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you. That will be such a wonderful thing. Also, I loved all the pictures from when you first arrived in Sweden. I can't believe it's been a year!

The Jensen's said...

WOO HOO! I'm so excited to finally meet Joel and see you. I am super glad AJ is getting married so you could come back for 5 weeks :)

Megan and Jared said...

How fun for you guys to be able to come back! I love all the fun pictures, looks like you've had a blast since moving there :)

NewlyLoved said...

wow the power goes to you two! long distance is hard! i love the reuniting pics too cute!

xo Jessica
stop by if ya get a chance!