Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's On My Mind??

ever get that feeling when you want to blog, but have nothing really to say? yup. that is me right about now.  lets see.. where to start.......

- i love our kitty. she is the most idealistic cat you would ever want
- Joel got me some red roses, and i am looooving them
- i love our apartment, it finally feels like a home, and complete
- i love free/cheap things
- Joel is working late. not a fan
- i hate facebook. despise it actually. i am so close to deleting my account
- i love instagram and wish more people used it so i could stalk more people
- i love technology, and that i can call/text my family anytime i want
- i love staying in contact with people
- i get really sad when i get out of touch with people
- i love that my sister is getting married, so we have a good reason to come home
- i miss coldstone
- speaking of ice cream... i ate too much today... BUT IT WAS SOOOO GOOD, OK??
- i want to paint more, and i get sad that i don't
- i love weeding
- every time i need to feel better, i watch Tangled. Joel and i laugh and giggle through it every time
- i wish i was a good photographer
- every time i call my mom, someone calls her and ends our call
- i love living in Gothenburg, but miss the comfort of Utah. a lot.
- Cheetos favorite place to sleep is my underwear drawer. in fact, she is there now. uhhh.......
- i want to go on a bunch of hikes this summer
- my husband is so dedicated to his work, and i am incredibly proud of him
- in the 11.5 months i have lived in Sweden, i can count on one hand how many times i have straightened and curled my hair
- i wish Android had the Vine app
- we leave for Utah in 5.5 weeks. exciting? yes.
- Joel and i LOVE meat, especially bacon

Ok. That's all for now... Bye :)

2 notes:

Shantel said...

Haha. I love posts like this! We love bacon at this house as well.

Mindy said...

- I love ice cream too.
- Is there such a thing as eating "too" much ice cream?
- Why do you despise Facebook?
- I don't like it when people despise it because that usually leads to closing their account and I don't like it when they close their accounts
- That Seth dude has a fun blog
- I am cold, which is ironic because in about two hours I will be FLAMING hot
- That's all