Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Workin Out

Yes. I decided to blog two days riiight in a row. Kind of amazing if I do say so myself.

I have been going to Joel's old Fighter Center twice a week to do a kettlebell workout! Something I would normally not do on my own if Joel hadn't have talked me into it. ( he seems to be doing that a lot lately... pusing me out of my comfort zone. he knows me too well ;) )

First day I show up, and I am SUPER nervous. I didn't want to die. Thankfully Joel was with me to somewhat calm my nerves! The last time Joel talked me into going to a workout session was crossfit. Lets just say the high intensity and constant competition wasn't really my thing, and I pretty much died at the workout. That stuff is more Joel like. He is a LOOOT more competative than me, and can handle that stress. I can't play Mario Racecarts or something on the Wii because it is too much for me to handle. The only game I have found I can play is Indiana Jones Lego on the xbox. Yep.

Anyways, back to kettlebells. I show up on the first day, nervous. I was expecting something similar to crossfit for some reason. Boy was I surprised, and I love it. It wasn't nearly as intense, and I have been learning all the techniques slowly every time I go! 
They really focus on technique, and are very strict about posture, form, and all that lovely stuff. If I get tired I settle down for a few min, and continue to work on my workout again.
I now know how to do deadlifts, swings, goblet squat, and the Turkish get-up with 8 kilos-24 kilos (18lbs-53lbs), depending on what exercise I am doing. I feel pretty cool knowing all this :)
I have only been 6 times, and I notice a HUGE difference. Kettlebells help with strength, and after only 6 times I can feel myself getting stronger. 

Kinda awesome :)

1 notes:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you like working with kettlebells and with us!(not afraid anymore and such)
Knowledge seem to stick to you well:)
Cya soon!
