Thursday, October 30, 2014

Most Likely To...

I got this idea from sincerely, laura and I thought it was a cute idea! Joel and I received a lot of compliments when we interviewed each other in our last video, so I thought it would be fun to do something similar again, so people can get to know us better.

In the video, we will hold up whose "shoe" we think fits the question.

We actually did something similar to this at our wedding reception! I had NO idea we would be doing this, I was just concentrating the whole time trying to not trip all over my wedding dress in front of 300 people!!

Anyways, here is our video! Enjoy :)

Our last question was cut off (I ran out of memory on my phone..) but we just talked about how I talk in my sleep but Joel is the one who snores and moves around ;)

1 notes:

Crystal said...

I'll stealing your idea... I LOVE it!!!