Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Emma Elaine: 7 Months Old

Baby girl is 7 months! It has been so much fun seeing her personality coming out even more. Last week Joel was home sick, and it has been so hard seeing him so sick because he rarely is. He started out with a cold and ended up with an ear infection. Now Emma has gotten sick, and I've been up a lot again the past few nights with her since she can't breathe. Emma was doing so good at eating solids, and now that she's sick she doesn't want much else but me (which I kind of love). We've barely had energy to go to the store, let alone take any pictures. I was super excited for fall and to take pictures of Emma outside, but it is COLD. So I haven't really been able to take my sick baby outside haha. Emma is such a happy baby that even when she is sick, you couldn't tell unless you noticed her tired eyes and runny nose ;) When we took these pictures she was really sick, so don't let her cute happy face fool you! Hence the reason her mouth is open in all these since she can't breathe through her nose, haha.

Anyways, enough about us being sick. Emma is officially 7 months old now, and that is kind of weird. For some reason I always pictured her staying a baby, and now she is moving around SO much more lately I can't believe it. When we facetime my mom, lately she's been saying, "Good luck on the plane ride over here!!" Haha thanks mom, we'll need it.

Emma has gotten better at being on her tummy, but gets quite frustrated because she hasn't figured out the whole crawling thing yet. I know she is strong enough, she just needs to connect the dots ;) She kind of just kicks her legs and goes into a superman mode as you can see in this video:

A few weeks ago Emma was sleeping horribly and was extra needy and moody, so I figured she was getting another tooth. When Joel checked out her mouth to see, he noticed she was getting two teeth at the same time! No wonder she wasn't feeling good at all. Now she has three teeth on the bottom!

Emma's sleeping schedule kind of really frustrates me. I never know how long she is going to nap for. It could be 30 minutes, or she could sleep for 3 hours. I think she wants to transition to two naps a day, but the problem is she wakes up early from her nap and doesn't complete it, so I feel like she needs to take three naps. By the time she falls asleep and I sprawl on the couch exhausted, she wakes up and is ready to play again! I don't know, the whole situation frustrates me. I've talked to my mom countless times now trying to figure this out. The hard part is the more I try to get her on more of a schedule, and when it doesn't work out I get more mad because I am oh so tired. When I try my hardest I usually end up calling Joel at work crying because I can't handle it. Sorry to get so detailed, but that's just what we're going through at the moment. It is rather difficult to plan out our days since she is napping so bad. Any tips would be nice, but then at the same too many opinions can get overwhelming ;) I don't want to complain, but then at the same time I want to be open about how my life is as a mom, and I ESPECIALLY don't want to be negative. It is hard in this social media world to complain easily I feel like. Anyways, sorry that was a slight tangent! Back to updates on the babe.

We're also trying to wean Emma from her woombie. She falls asleep faster and sleeps longer in it, buuuut she's kinda growing out of it! I've noticed it is a comfort for her, so it is taking us a while to wean her from it. I've heard it is best to take one arm out at a time for a few days, then the other arm. I was JUST about ready to take out her second arm when she got sick and was waking up once an hour. I was desperate for her to sleep, and I figured she'd sleep best with both arms in. We're back to square one again ;) I totally wish we would have started weaning her when she was smaller! Now she is so much older and alert. Trying to pull herself up in her crib and such...

Joel claims Emma has said her first word already: Pappa. Which makes him extremely proud of course! She is melting our hearts more and more each day:

Emma is quite the social baby when she isn't tired. When we're sitting in church she likes to stand up and smile and laugh at all the people behind us. Tonight some friends invited us over for dinner and Emma was laughing the WHOLE time. I just kept waiting and waiting for her to crash and she never did. I kept looking at Joel like, "What is going on with our baby?? She is SO happy!!" I can't even describe how funny the situation was. Trying to talk over our non stop talking baby was interestingly fun ;)

I'm also trying to figure out more pureéd baby food. I've gotten comfortable with the foods Emma likes, and am nervous to mix it up a bit haha. Anyone have any tips? Emma's favorite is pureéd sweet potatoes, and I have also pureéd peas. We're still working on peas.. haha. I think she is sensitive to texture, and my old hand held blender isn't the best ;) Lately I've been buying baby food at the store since I noticed she is sensitive to texture. Gosh I just wish I could breastfeed her for a long while, it is so much easier! I don't have to worry about bringing  or heating anything up! I guess this means she's growing up..

3 notes:

Jenna said...

I totally feel you on the nap thing! Listen's sleep patterns and habits used to frustrate me to no end, but one day I just decided to stop worrying about it. She's a baby and she's a bad sleeper. Once I accepted that fact and just decided to go with her patterns and let her take the lead in a way, things got a lot easier and happy for me. So... that's not really helpful on getting Emma to sleep better, but maybe it'll help you deal with it a little better.

You're such a good mom, Mollie! Emma is adorable. I hope she starts feeling better soon.

Crystal said...

She is adorable!! I love reading your blog and hearing all the adventures of a stay at home mom. It makes my day.

Megan and Jared said...

She is adorable!! And a perfect match for tator! Haha :) I hope she gets feeling all better soon.