Tuesday, March 5, 2013

That Awkward Moment When Your Cat Shoves Her Nose Up Your Nasal Passage

I am in the middle of attempting to watch Vampire Diaries, and it is taking foreverrrr to load. So, I thought why not write a blog post??

Now after the whole BYU application is done (for now hehe), our lives have slowed down a whole lot! Not too much going on that I can blog about, so sorry if I ramble or go off on random thoughts :)

So, I don't know if any of you know this... but I don't really cook haha. Joel usually does, because he likes it! Plus I get overwhelmed with everything in Swedish, so I let him work his magic. I LOVE everything Joel cooks! Well, except for one thing. Not too bad, eh? Only one thing I haven't liked, and we have been married almost 9 months! It works out great. He cooks, then I do dishes and clean up after everything! I am usually not in the mood to do dishes (who is, haha!) but it keeps me going knowing I have a loving husband that likes to cook. How many women can say that??!

Anyways, my mom and I are starting up this thing where we will cook together on skype! We tried once, and it was really fun actually. From going back and forth to, "Is this a small onion??" and trying to awkwardly show her over skype... and then comparing our bouillon sizes. Since this is an american recipe, it was also hard to convert everything to the wonderful metric system. In the past when my mom tried teaching me something about cooking, I always tried to avoid it because I wanted to procrastinate learning how to cook as long as possible, and now I am regretting it. (you were right mom!)
She taught me how to make Sweet Potato Soup. And it was DELICIOUS. I did burn the onions the first time I tried, but hey! I learned from my mistake.. Which my mom said, "Is sometimes the hardest way to learn!" This is the recipe, if anyone is interested :)

It took me a LOT longer to prep the food, just because I am so new at this! So it took me an hour and a half...

I also only had curry powder at home, so I didn't use cumin and it turned out just fine!

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