Today I was on the bus just like any other day. When I go to work, I ride a bus for about 22 minutes, then hop off at the central station and jump on a train for 25 minutes. I then find another bus that will take me to my in-laws house, but thankfully that bus ride is only 10 minutes long. Door to door.. it takes about an hour and a half. Because there is a looot of walking involved. I use to hate it. Now that my body has adjusted to walking everywhere, I love it. If I were to drive to my in-laws it would only take 30 minutes! So crazy.
Anyways, as I was sitting on the bus home I was trying to relax after the busy day I had, by listening to music and looking at my phone. Like every other Swede does. I am not a Swede of course, but that part has definitely rubbed off on me. NO ONE talks to each other on the bus/train/tram. Unless you are with a friend of course! When Joel and I are together I feel so loud even whispering.
Sorry, that was another tangent.. I was on the bus just trying to get home, because who likes public transportation? When I suddenly realized how absorbed I was in technology. I was literally going back and forth between facebook, instagram, the blogs I follow, and the game Draw Something (thanks goes out to my sisters and my mom for always drawing something for me!)... and repeating the process. Does anyone else get so caught up in technology?? It kills me sometimes how addicted I am... how I can't go to bed without checking instagram. Joel makes fun of me aaall the time. Isn't that sad though? I don't know what I would do without my phone. I wonder how much happier I would be if we had less technology and distractions? If we had to pay for less, and how much stress that would release.
While I was sitting on the bus I realized all of this.. because I was so absorbed in technology I didn't realize there was an old and frail lady standing up, and everyone was too distracted to notice how unstable and frail she was. No one had given up a seat for this poor lady! By the time this all registered in my mind, a girl moved and offered her seat thankfully. It really stressed me out realizing how everyone was so into their phones, and myself included. Me... A healthy 22 year old girl too distracted by dumb technology to help an old lady out.
So, I stood up anyways because I didn't feel like sitting anymore, and I started to look at the people surrounding me. I saw a girl looking straight ahead and was smiling to herself, and I was so impressed because everyone else was frowning looking down at their phones.. and it really got me thinking, "I wonder what she is thinking about that makes her look so happy!" Then I started thinking about trials and hardships that everyone has in their lives. For some it might be death, money, drugs.. whatever the reason, everyone has something tough going on in their lives, as well as good things. Maybe this girl just got kissed by the man she loves? Who knows! All I know is we don't know what people are going through, and maybe that old lady was having a hard day! Then someone gave her their seat, and life got a bit better! Maybe that move made her day, because she really could have fallen at any moment and broken something.. she was that frail. So, maybe that person saved a life today?? ;) All I know is how determined I will be to pay more attention to others, because you never know what others are going through in their life.
European Spring Travel Capsule
10 months ago
2 notes:
i feel the same way about technology sometimes. I've been trying to cut out some. i hate how it consumes so many of our lives, including mine. we forget how to truly LIVE!
I got rid of my smart phone back in October and it's saved us so much money! And it feels nice to be disconnected from the interwebs at least SOME of the time ;)
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