Saturday, March 2, 2013


Ya know that morning where you wake up and your head says, "Don't get up or I will hurt you." Because you wake up sick. And your head still decides to hurt you no matter what, even if you lay still.

Yep. That was me this morning. Waking up sick is the worst.. or being sick at all! I was so looking forward to having a nice weekend, but my brain won't let me concentrate on more than one thing. If it lets me think of one thing at all. 

So we don't let Cheeto sleep in our room for obvious reasons.. Hair, noise, discomfort etc... And every morning she can sense when we are awake, even if we don't make any noise at all. She cries. And cries. And cries. Oh, did I mention she cries? And it kills me for two reasons: 1) because it is cute to hear her little half cries/meows and 2) it is kind of hilarious. How in the crap does she know we are awake??! But she loves us, and loves being with us. I think she misses us a lot during the night! Joel decided if Cheeto were to have a "love language", hers would be physical touch. She HAS to be touching us when she is asleep and when she wants to sit and relax. It is nice feeling loved by a sweet little kitty that can't really meow yet! Her poor little face when we have to close the door on her when saying goodnight... So sad :(

Video of cute Cheeto crying for us!

I have been reading a friend of mine's blog today, and she is good at keeping it updated about her family, house, baby etc... So, that got me in the mood to blog. And since I don't have a baby yet, I thought I would share those updates on Cheeto, since she is the closest thing to a baby right now haha!

Also, another fact about Cheeto. She is a girl kitty, and an orange tabby which is super rare! Usually a male is orange. A lady in church told me she told her mom that we had a girl orange tabby, and her mom said, "No way. That is impossible. She can't be a girl cat, that is absolutely impossible." I guess her mom works on a farm and knows her cats really well? Buuuut Cheeto is a girl, we promise. And can send pictures if she wants proof, haha!!

I looked it up on the internet... and it says this, "Orange tabbies are far more likely to be male, with an average ratio of 80 males to 20 females. The gene for red is carried on the X chromosome. Males have one X chromosome, while females have two. A male needs only one red gene to be an orange tabby. A female must inherit two red genes, one for each of her two X chromosomes."

Soooo I guess Cheeto is a rare kitty! Kinda cool :)

Also, one last thing I love that Cheeto does. Usually Joel gets home a little after me, and I have noticed she can tell when we are coming home. In our apartment building we have the outside door, then we walk up the stairs and our apartment is right there on the second floor. When she hears that door open downstairs, she freaks out because she knows someone is coming home. She sits up, and waits to hear for the key to open the door to our apartment. If she doesn't hear that key within a few minutes, she plops back down, usually on my Chest or lap. 
Now for a billion pictures, if you'd like to see our cute kitty.

Our first picture of baby Cheeto!

Watching us play Lego Star Wars ON Joel's foot

Her normal seat

My stalker

The time Cheeto was obsessed with the toilet. She jumped in before Joel could flush or close the toilet seat. Joel yells to me, "MOLLIE!!!! CHEETO JUMPED IN THE TOILET! And I didn't flush..." She only got her legs wet, so this pic was taken after we gave her a bath...

How most of my skype conversations go.

Caught in the act!!

Cheeto learned the hard way about playing with fire by burning off a bunch of her whiskers!

Curious lil buggar 
My stalker.. the usual

We call this stance the "creeper walk" where she arches her back like this and hops or runs toward us. 
She does THIS once in a while too.

Oh hello.

Joel making sure she gets strong. 

And that everyone (who actually looked through all the pictures) is our cat in a nutshell. 

1 notes:

Jenna said...

This made me miss kitten John. Enjoy her while she's so tiny. They're great when they grow up, but it's just different haha