Friday, November 14, 2014

Emma Elaine: 8 Months Old


Emma turned 8 months old on the 8th of November! Joel and I celebrated by leaving Emma with our awesome babysitters (aka Farmor and Farfar) and went on a date ;) We went out to eat at an AWESOME restraunt where you download an app and order your food. Your phone then sends you a notification when your food is done and ready to pick up! Super cool. We were really impressed, except our food took an hour... Other than that, it was great! We played tick-tack-toe on napkins (we had a goal to not get on any social media during our date) and a dot game. It was really fun actually!

My handsome man I adore ridiculously much

You order miniature meals so you can eat a bunch of different things.. from sweet potato fries to mini hamburgers, fish sticks, cheese balls, and so much more

Gotta have a selfie these days, right?

Bored waiting for our food.. haha


Anyways, enough about our date! Back to little Emma being 8 months old.

I don't know why, but while I was at the mall the other day I had a couple people ask if Emma was one years old. Does Emma seriously look like a one year old?? I want her to stay little.. Nothing I can do about that I guess! I'm just trying to soak in every moment with her.

Emma has six teeth coming in on top. SIX. Poor baby... She is always so happy, so I can tell the second her teeth are bothering her. Which actually isn't as frequent as I thought it would be, since she has so many teeth coming in. I also thought that with this many teeth she'd be waking up crying five or six times a night like last time, but she surprised me once again! She is still only waking up once or twice a night #thankgoodness. Her vampire teeth are coming in first before her two front teeth, and if they would have come in a month sooner she would have definitely been a vampire for Halloween! I love how you can spot some of those teeth coming in in some of the pictures.

Emma hasn't quite figured out how to crawl, but she has figured out how to inch forward now. She actually learned that this past week! I was doing something when I heard some skin squeaking on the floor and sure enough she was trying to get something! This is the most forward she has ever moved really:

It amazes me how much Emma is learning. The new noises she makes or the way she reaches for things... it is seriously so cool watching a baby learn and experiencing everything for the first time! Also when I eat something she watches me like a hawk and starts smacking her lips... Basically I think everything she does is cute, EXCEPT for how much she poops. These days we are changing AT LEAST 6-7 poopy diapers a day. But let's not talk about that, because I could go on and on haha.

I just love being Emma's mom. I love the way she lunges for me when others are holding her... or the way she smiles every time I pick her up from her nap. Most of all I hope she knows how much I love her and treasure her. I can't believe how proud I am of her already and all the things she's accomplished in this little life of hers.

Other than her teeth coming in and her new squeaky forward moving thing, there aren't more updates on little Emma! She's still eating baby food like a champ and nurses before naps, bedtime, and a few times at night. Every food she has tried she likes! Even fish. Which kind of makes Joel and I feel sick since we don't like fish haha.


And now for some pictures! I bought a bonnet for Emma for 12-18 months size and it is a tad big, but I couldn't resist taking pictures of her in it of course!

Can you see her little teeth coming in on top??

This picture KILLS me. She is just too cute!!

I love this new scrunchy face of hers..

Joel has been home sick from work, so while I was taking pictures of her I asked him to come in and help get her to smile for me. That is why she isn't looking at the camera and laughing, because that is a specific smile for Pappa ;)

She looks so much older here for some reason!

The I-don't-want-to-take-pictures-next-to-you picture

Joel left for a minute and came back, and this is how excited she got!

Of course to end this picture taking session we had a tickle fight ;)

The end! Sorry there were so many pictures, I had the hardest time picking which ones I liked the most! I know this post was late as well, but I figured better late than never right?? I can't believe how long it takes to write a blog post these days. Taking pictures, editing pictures, uploading pictures... and THEN writing the blog post! So much work, but I love documenting our lives, and it is worth it ;)

1 notes:

McKinzie said...

She is so cute! Austyn still only has vampire teeth on top. It's been like that for a while haha. I think the top two are finally coming in.