Friday, October 31, 2014

October Outside Photo Sesh

First off, Emma has been scooting backwards all the time. I don't mind... until she gets stuck under the couch. every. single. time. ;) She cracks me up! She'll just sit there stuck and chat away until I come help her.

I know... I know. I take SO many pictures of my baby. But you know what? I'd rather document her little life too much than too little, ya know? The sun was out, and I couldn't resist. Seriously... I feel like it was the first time this month the sun has been out! I even told my sister-in-law Eva, "This is so weird having the sun out! I can actually see what I'm doing." She then said, "Yeah! I don't have to turn on all the lights in the apartment to see!" This is what October has been like for us...

The sun now sets at 4 pm. Boo. Winter is most definitely here! Yesterday I ventured out with Emma at 3:30 right as the sun was setting. If you look in the background you can see the shade closing in on us. We just walked around our apartment complex and took pictures!

Halfway through our "Photo session", I started doing Patty Cake Patty Cake with Emma from a distance and she got SO happy! Before she was just looking around and being cute, but then she started throwing her hands in the air and clapping!

At last she finally fell over! Oh Emma, she was such a good sport for being my little model.

Her, "Momma, can we be done now please??" look ;)

2 notes:

Megan and Jared said...

She is so adorable!! I love her chunky cheeks :) these pictures are so pretty too. Your apartment complex is located in a beautiful area :)

Fatima Dedrickson said...

Hahaha, I love that she scoots under the couch! Also the pictures are adorable :)