Tuesday, August 16, 2016

San Diegoooo

Joel works 6 days a week. Sunday is his only day off, and that is the day where we try to do stuff as a family. Our friend Tyler lives in San Diego, so we went straight down after church one Sunday in July to have a personal tour! I thought the weather was "lagom" (a Swedish word for not too much or not too little but juuuust right), but Joel thought it was kinda cold! I think we've been spoiled with all this good weather and have turned into wimps! ;) 

We first started our day walking around the San Diego LDS temple, something that has been on our bucket list to do! We originally wanted to do a session at the temple, but with Joel working 6 days a week we just couldn't do that. So, we opted for the 2nd best option! The temple was so huge and so beautiful I almost couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we were actually THERE. It was extremely surreal! Sitting there on the grass with William while Joel chased Emma around the grounds... all I could feel was peaceful happiness. I just felt content and happy with the direction our life is going and the choices we have made so far. Moving to the states from Sweden was HUGE. Leaving our comfortable life we had set up and starting completely over is not a small deal ;) Being there at the temple that day and feeling like we were on the right path was such a comfort for me.

Anyway, after we spent time outside the temple we met up with Tyler and he showed us around La Jolla! It was so relaxing while walking around and watching the seals on the shore with no where to go. Afterwards we went to Red Robbin for some burgers... because if you know Joel and I, we're always craving a good burger! We had quite a successful day! The hardest part was wearing out the kids and as a result they were upset most of the way home ;)

baby and mama seal <3

Joel showing off his tan line haha

Blurry picture, but I love that I got them in action trying to take a selfie

Smart, right???

1 notes:

Fatima Dedrickson said...

Oh my, we LOVE San Diego and we have basically decided its our family vacation spot!! Only takes about 4h to drive!! Love all these photos :)