Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sweeeeeeden things

Sweden is a week and a half away!! I can't wait to leave the country and experience a new culture. It might be hard, fun, and crazy but I'm so excited!
I took school off for a semester, got two jobs and thats all I've been doing for this trip since my parents told me they would not be paying a singe penny. My solution was to drop out of school for a semester haha.
Probably not the best idea, but I did it anyways.
And no I don't know a single word of Swedish, but my host family told me it will all work out.
I will be nannying two kids ages 7 and 9.
Heather was born in Germany on the army base, and for her birthday her mother is coming over to get us and take us there!
We also have a plan at the end of July to attend this YSA week-long fireside thing and that should be a ton of fun. 27 different countries are coming together for it! thats the website if you wish to check it out!

1 notes:

Gaby said...

Oh my goodness. You must be so so so so pumped!!!! thats exciting. I got thrills just thinking about you leaving. You'll have such a blast!