Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 09 – A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

I've been thinking about this for the past two days, and I've finally come to a conclusion. The person who I have lived with for 17 years of my life, and I've known since I was 3! That would be my baby sister.
She has been with me through everything, since day one.
Man that dog LOVES her. I think it is because she smells, and he feels bad for her. I'm right :)

Whether its guys, school, or friends, she has definitely gotten me through the most, and been there every step of the way! 

Now that she is getting older, taller, and nearing the college age we've grown a ton closer.
More things in common, that kind of stuff.
Sure she's 3 inches taller than me, but who cares??
We've been through everything together: family drama, boy drama, friend drama, and who knows what else!
All of us sisters at the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house.
We sleep in MY bed, which is now hers now but originally mine, every time I come home and stay up late talking, and catching up. We share everything. From bras to shirts and earrings! (I had THE hardest time leaving for college the first year, because I had a hard time splitting all of our stuff up)
She is such a sweetie pie, and she is definitely the peacemaker in our family. 

This is one of our favorite spots to be lazy :)

Allison Jayne (AJ) Bateman, I love you and I'm proud to call you my sister :)

1 notes:

Gaby said...

Awww:) This makes me happy. You have beautiful sisters!