What is your attitude toward money?
For me, I know I view money the wrong way and my husband is the opposite. While we work well together, our sense of money has been hard on our relationship in some ways. I am the spender and don’t like to think about money. As a small business owner, I know I need to face my weaknesses and learn how to understand money better, even though it overwhelms me. Luckily, my husband understands it much better than I do and is very patient at teaching me.
For me, I know I view money the wrong way and my husband is the opposite. While we work well together, our sense of money has been hard on our relationship in some ways. I am the spender and don’t like to think about money. As a small business owner, I know I need to face my weaknesses and learn how to understand money better, even though it overwhelms me. Luckily, my husband understands it much better than I do and is very patient at teaching me.
How can your view of money affect the way you live?
For our situation, the way I view money can negatively affect our family if I spend too much on a rug when I “think” we have enough money but should have gone to the gas bill instead. If I don’t talk to my husband first about bigger purchases, it could negatively affect our relationship. Throughout our marriage, this is something I have had to work hard at, communicating first before buying something. My husband and I are quite opposites, he hates spending money and sometimes that is hard on me when I feel so guilty about buying even the smallest thing.
For our situation, the way I view money can negatively affect our family if I spend too much on a rug when I “think” we have enough money but should have gone to the gas bill instead. If I don’t talk to my husband first about bigger purchases, it could negatively affect our relationship. Throughout our marriage, this is something I have had to work hard at, communicating first before buying something. My husband and I are quite opposites, he hates spending money and sometimes that is hard on me when I feel so guilty about buying even the smallest thing.
What rules are recommended for prospering?
Rule 1. Seek the Lord and have hope in him
Rule 2. Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing, and fast offerings. Rule 3. Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant.
Rule 4. Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters. Education, as President Hinckley has taught us, is the Key to Opportunity.
Rule 5. Learn the laws upon which the blessings of wealth are predicated.
Rule 6. Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held captive.
Rule 1. Seek the Lord and have hope in him
Rule 2. Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing, and fast offerings. Rule 3. Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant.
Rule 4. Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters. Education, as President Hinckley has taught us, is the Key to Opportunity.
Rule 5. Learn the laws upon which the blessings of wealth are predicated.
Rule 6. Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held captive.