Friday, December 13, 2019

W13 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal

In President Monson’s talk, An Attitude of Gratitude, he mentioned the story of the 10 lepers. To me, this story is the perfect example of showing gratitude and why we should show gratitude. I’ve been thinking of the 9 lepers, and how they didn’t show gratitude. I mean, how could they not?? Christ healed them, and only one had the thought to go back and show thanks. Then, I thought about my own life and moments I might not have or should have shown gratitude. I wonder, what are some ways we can better show gratitude in our lives? One way I thought of, is to keep a gratitude journal. For me, keeping a record of a gratitude journal could help me look back on my day and look for those moments that I normally wouldn’t. Even if I had the worst day, showing gratitude that I am breathing could be a start. I love how President Monson continues to talk about showing gratitude towards mothers. Sometimes, motherhood can feel like such a thankless job. Being pregnant and finishing school this semester has been hard on me, and I am more than ready to be done! But, as mothers, we would do anything to bring these sweet babies into the world, even if that means going to school at the same time. Fathers also sacrifice so much, so they can provide for their families. I think about my husband and all the work and studying he is doing to provide for our family. I know I can be better at showing my gratitude to my husband, and doing that with our kids so they can see how I show gratitude as well. Being that example for our kids and showing them how I show gratitude is important and necessary, so they will know and learn how to as well.

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