I loved the reading this week! Probably the best reading
where I’ve been able to take what I’ve been reading and easily apply it to my
life. A lot of the reading in the past have been about business, which is nice,
but learning from successful entrepreneurs on what is really important and why
has been so valuable to me. We know how important it is to put God and family
first, but to hear these professionals talk about it in such a way really
inspires and reminds me how important it really is. When Jan Newman was talking
about being single and how much time you have, I am grateful that I am starting
out my entrepreneurial journey with a family already, and don’t need to make
that adjustment. I already have my bunch of crazies to adjust with! Another
part that stood out to me was when Jan said, “Don’t ever be too busy to take a
calling in the church.” I haven’t had too many callings in the church, but I
haven’t ever felt the need to turn down a calling because I was too busy. It
reminds me of the saying, “If you’re too busy to pray or read your scriptures,
then you are busier than God ever intended you to be.” This hit hard, because it
is true. I’m in the middle of my last semester of college, and feel busier than
I ever have. How do I find that “balance”? In the reading, it talked about
setting boundaries and I like that word a lot better than balance. Finding
balance seems almost impossible, but setting boundaries feels more realistic. Boundaries
might not replace balance, but it could be a concrete step on the way to
achieving better balance between God, family, and work. This week’s reading was
a good reminder how important and why we need to put God and our families first
in our lives.
European Spring Travel Capsule
9 months ago
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