Saturday, December 20, 2014

Radom Fact

Wanna know a random fact about me, that you might not know? I used to do ballet for years, until I graduated high school. So it has been quite a few years since I squeezed into tights and a leotard! My 19 year old sister is in a photography class, and asked me if she could do a photo session with me! Oh boy did it bring back so many memories tying those ballet shoes on my feet again. I had forgotten how squished my feet felt in those shoes! Luckily I didn't have to dance, only pose for the pictures. The pictures actually turned out better than I thought they would, considering I haven't danced in years. Here they are if you'd like to see: 

I think the hardest part for me is I see all my imperfections. I have thoughts like, "Oh my shoulders need to be pushed down more here. I should have tightened my core more there. My toes aren't pointed enough in this picture. My head isn't tilted high enough here...." I notice all the little details I wish I could fix. You get the idea ;) I have been reminding myself that I haven't danced in 6 YEARS, and it is a miracle I could even get up on pointe! Try to look at the positive side, right??

1 notes:

Shantel said...

What a fun fact! I didn't know that. I think that you look like an extremely talented dancer and I think it's neat that you have these photos to remember.

(Just think about when you are a grandma and little Emma is telling her daughters about how her mom loved to dance and shows them these pictures - I think about weird things like this and I think it's so neat!)