Monday, June 17, 2013

Mawwiage... Mawwiage is What Bwings Us Togeva... Tooday.

I don't really have anything at all to blog about... other than what I blogged about last time. Coming to the states basically :) We leave in ten days in case you were wondering, and are a little too excited :) One of my favorite parts about coming home is the scene at the airport. Since we travel for 20+ hours, that refreshing moment of WHY I have been traveling for so long comes true!!! It is zee best.
Side note... when my family flew to Sweden for the wedding last summer, I was late coming to the airport because one car broke down (or something along those lines) and it broke my heart not being there on time for my family!! Because I know how much it means to me I suppose. I still feel so bad about that, haha.

Joel and I celebrated our first anniversary last Friday!! Been married a whole year, quite awesome!! We got some gifts for each other, went out to dinner, and rented some movies! We love spending time together, fo realz.
So.... I know people say the first year of marriage is the hardest. Seriously, I don't know who says that but our first year was amazing. From only spending 8 weeks physically together before we got married, and 10 long months of skype, I would say we have a healthy marriage. But. That does NOT mean it has been easy necessarily. I have been homesick. We have both been unemployed at one point, not knowing how we could eat let alone pay for rent... and there are more instances of course. I look back at the winter season and realize how hard it really was! Trying to help each other out of the darkness (LITERALLY. It was dark here ALL the time. Rare sun rays) and we made it and helped each other through it. Sure we have had disagreements... actually, our first one was if we should get a cat or not. Hehe I won that one ;) Joel has never been a big animal person, but promised me once we moved out of our one room apartment we could get a cat to close the door off to our super nice bed. I thought that was a good compromise!
We look back at our relationship and are grateful for those ten months we had away from each other. All we could do was communicate. Our relationship is really based off of that, I believe... and I will always be grateful for that. We still haven't fought, and any disagreement we have had we have figured out together, respecting each others opinions.
I look back to when we were engaged and it feels like we barely knew each other!!!! Sometimes I think, "How on earth did we get married, we barely knew each other??!" But we must have known a little bit ;)
I also love living with a man. Best. Roommate. Ever.

You know this picture? Yep. I laugh at all his farts. I don't know why, but I find them so comical. Usually when he farts in the morning he has to look over at my face to see how I react... Oh the joys of living with a man :)

Also, this is one of my new favorite pictures!! We are completely obsessed and in love with this little cat... who woulda thought?? We had some friends taking Cheeto while we are in the states, and they wanted  to test out their allergies one night, and have her stay at their house! She was away from us for maaaaybe six hours, and we were dying. We missed her like CRAZY. It was ridiculous. We are way too obsessed... I don't know what we are going to do for six weeks. Joel started making cat noises pretending she was here.

Well. That is all I can think about... See ya in 10 days Utah!!!! :)

5 notes:

Jenna said...

I seriously don't know who really says the first year of marriage is the hardest. I always hear, "They say the first year is the hardest..." Who are "they"? Because everyone I talk to says the first year is a blast!

Glad you're so happy :) And hopefully we'll get to see you while you're here! We're not in Morgan very often, but I think Josh is running the Morgan Marathon sometime in July, so maybe we'll get to see you then :)

Rondi-Ella said...

I can't wait to see you!

Kerri Andersen said...

my husband and i feel the same way about being engaged...we were like..oh my heck we literally did not know each other at all! haha glad it still worked out for both of us! :)

Mariana Patterson said...

It sounds like you're having so much fun! Remember to let me know when you're in Logan! Love you!

Mollie Rose Herrey said...

I have been wondering who "they" are as well! Seriously.. Because it is seriously fantastic haha! Let me know when you are in Morgan, i wanna see you guys and your sweet baby!!