Monday, January 17, 2011

All grossed out....

Two weeks ago today (Monday) I was down in Provo visiting some fantastic friends.
Nothing special, I went down to accompany Talesha, mainly and to "hang out".
Well. We went ice skating!
Myself, Talesha, and Autumn.
I was getting the hang of it, it took quite some time! I'm not gonna lie.
The whole time I was attempting to ice skate I had a thought in my head:
"How in the flip do all these young children know how to ice skate so well?!"
I found out I am a horrible ice skater.
You see, I have a hard enough time walking on the ground, so I guess you could say the ice was difficult.
Towards the end I was finally gaining some speed, and being able to beat a 6 year old when I ate it.
I don't know what I was thinking of that made me lose my concentration like that...
All I could think about was trying to get up, trying not to cry, and trying very hard not to barf all over.
Lets just say I had some awesome bruises and scars for quite some time!
But one remains, and it is grossing me out.
You see, when I fell I landed right on my left hip bone.
It hurt for quite some time, and I thought it had healed until I felt it last Wednesday.
On my hip and underneath my skin is a tube-like "thing" as thick as my pinkie, and as long as my bruise was. 
I have no idea what it is, if it's anything.
My mom told me not to freak out, and that it is probably nothing.
Eh I still am, just because I am extremely grossed out that it has not gone away.... yet.
I've been told it could be multiple things.... mainly just scar tissue.
It's weird, I've never had anything like this happen to me before!
Usually I break an arm or something very stupid along those lines.
Well, I will go have a chit chat with my father tomorrow, and we will discus the possibilities of my injury.

More updates will follow.

1 notes:

herlittlefeet said...

It's probably a hematoma. Go see the Doc at health services. Love you!! Jayne